Stand by me

When I made the decision to start Lime Education, I was excited and terrified in equal measure, in fact I was probably much more terrified than excited if I’m honest. Whilst I genuinely felt I had something to offer companies who were looking to grow internationally it was a scary first step; was there actually a need and were people prepared to retain me.

A lot of people refer to the fact that ‘I know everyone’ or I have a ‘great network’ and that is probably true, but it’s a whole different thing trying to build a business around it. In that respect my network has hugely over delivered in giving me the confidence to make the step. The list of people who gave support or advice has both amazed and humbled me and I will be forever grateful to the following people, without whom I might just not have done it:

Caroline Wright, Julia Garvey, Vipul Bhargava, Steve Whitely, Danny Yeow, Stuart Abrahams, Tim Downie, Howard Lewis, Colin Bell, Steve Pinches and more. 



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About Ian Hunter

Ian has worked in the EdTech market for over 25 years and has worked for some of the largest education companies in the world including Tes Global, Discovery Education and RM Education. As Global Director, Sales Director or Commercial Director he has been responsible for driving growth across a range of EdTech products and services to schools, colleges, Universities and Ministries of Education globally.

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+44 (0)7766 566184